¡Ayuso! declare bien de interés cultural el Valle de los Caidos. Pídeselo de manera urgente
January 15, 2024
El gobierno social-comunista quiere dinamitar el Valle de los Caídos, no lo consientas. Es el momento de pedirle a Ayuso que defienda la Basílica del Valle y decrete el bien de interés cultural.


Welcome to!. Spanish Social Policy Institute. (IPSE)

Transforming society, through effective policies. Working for the Common Good and for the Common Good.

A service initiative

We believe that activism is fundamental, we believe that the true battle of ideas is on the street, it is in politics. We are active politicians, we have a wide network of leaders who advise, analyze and promote the proposals that we promote in such detail to be "referents" - that is why we are a SERVICE INITIATIVE.

Policies to support families.

The Family is a social good of the first order, the policies must have a family perspective, a focus on the most unprotected group, without a doubt, the family. We believe in the strength of the family and that if the family is maintained, the structures are maintained, if it falls, the whole society falls.

Common benefit.

The Common Good, is to seek the good of society, without exceptions. "Working for the Common Good, to transform social structures, is our main LET MOVE"

"Before transforming social structures, let's transform our hearts."

We are an entity with a presence in Spain, which seeks to promote social policies that are truly effective and not only contain a few groups, but are truly policies for everyone, especially families. We are a political network, formed by active leaders.

You can join and change the world.

If you are a young man or a hipster, this is your chance. If you believe in the Family, the right to live or even want to influence politics, this is your moment.
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You are the engine of this entity.

All who participate join, you are the main engines of our entity, we would like to grow, we have to be a service initiative, with a broad projection. In order to continue working, do we count on you?
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Activities, meetings, training.

If you join, we will call you to a meeting where we can see how you can help, we do not exclude anyone!
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Our press releases, media call, declarations, reports, presentations, proposals ... You can see all this here.
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